CanDeal goes plastic-free in February

Congrats on a plastic-free February!
In order to combat the pollution crisis, CanDeal ran an internal "Plastic-Free February" contest. The CanDeal staff was challenged to use ZERO one-time use plastic products during business hours for the entire month of February. That includes plastic coffee lids, water bottles and more! 
The contest included helpful giveaway items such as reusable coffee mugs, water bottles, and bento box containers.
We’re pleased to announce that Jane Patton, CanDeal’s Product & Support Specialist, won the contest by staying “eco-friendly” for the entire month. She reduced her negative global impact by purchasing glass mason jars and mesh washable bags for vegetables and fruit.
Thank you to all who participated in this great initiative – let's keep it going! We look forward to further enhancing our corporate social responsibility efforts.