CanDeal Spreadsheet Add-in: a spreadsheet plug-in that delivers real-time prices directly to your desktop
Introducing CanDeal DNA Consensus OIS & Swap RatesEnjoy greater transparency into the market with the continued transition to the Term CORRA Benchmark. Contact to access free trial data until December 31, 2024. |
CanDeal Data and Analytics (“DNA”) delivers the most accurate dealer-sourced pricing to help participants better monitor, understand and manage their market exposure.






The pricing standard
CanDeal DNA is the premier source for Canadian OTC fixed income and derivatives pricing, providing an invaluable reference off which to price individual securities and portfolios.
It is the first platform to aggregate and analyze the complete set of pricing, trade and Terms & Conditions data from all of Canada’s major dealers, delivering a unique set of data and analytics to buy-side and other industry participants, such as fund administration, information redistributors and technology service providers.
Request a demo
CanDeal Pricing Feed: route data to internal systems using a real-time proprietary data feed
CanDeal Daily Pricing File: a snapshot view of daily CanDeal prices
CanDeal Trading File: a file containing details on your firm’s executed trades of the day
CanDeal Compliance File (buy-side only): a detailed list of every RFQ submitted by your firm
CanDeal Historical Data: customized historical data sets and trade blotters – more than 10 years of historical data is available
- Standardized industry inbound formats
- Consume primary dealer pricing, trade and reference data
- Semantic and syntactic validation algorithms
- Enrich with security master reference data and apply standards such as short names
- Categorize and classify to ensure domestic market conventions are addressed
- Align composite pricing to mitigate any gaps to trade tracking
- Apply a ranking hierarchy to composite prices based on contributor quorum and trade activity
- Generate curves by Issuer Bond Types and Sectors to generate evaluated prices
Leverage IOSCO benchmark principles for pricing securities such as:
- Extensive arm’s length manufacturing and independent data governance applied throughout the pricing process to ensure no conflict of interest.
- Quality of coverage reports provided to contributors.
- Industry Committee reviews, input and feedback on methodologies.
- Hierarchy of rules to highlight observations based on trades, liquidity, pricing observations.
- Transparency of pricing methodologies
- Direct from source Terms & Conditions to ensure accurate bond reference data attributes and application of domestic market conventions.
- Strong client support and tracking to manage price challenges.
Read our FAQs, access our Statement of Compliance of IOSCO benchmark principles, and learn more about CanDeal DNA’s Price Challenge Procedures.
Contact CanDeal Data & Analytics
To learn more about our CanDeal DNA services or to speak with a sales representative, contact us via email or call +1.416.540.1667
For support: +1.866.422.6332 or